Smart pointers

The goal of this exercise is to get some confidence with the smart pointers provide by the C++ standard library: unique_ptr and shared_ptr.

Open the test program dir.cpp and complete the existing code to:

  • create a smart pointer managing a DIR resource obtained with the opendir() function call
  • associate a deleter to that smart pointer
  • implement a function to read the names of the files in that directory
  • check if the deleter is called at the right moment
  • hide the creation of the smart pointer behind a factory function

You can experiment with both kinds of smart pointers and with the type of the function arguments.

The commands to build and run the exercise are:

[studentNM@esc-XY ~]$ cd esc17/hands-on/cpp
[studentNM@esc-XY cpp]$ g++ -o dir dir.cpp
[studentNM@esc-XY cpp]$ ./dir /tmp