Use of function objects and algorithms

The goal of this exercise is to get some confidence with the C++ entities that are callable: functions, functors and lambdas. You will use them to customize the behaviour of some of the algorithms provided by the C++ standard library.

The test program algo.cpp generates and prints a vector of randomly-chosen integer numbers.

Build it and run it a few times to verify that it works as expected:

[studentNM@esc-XY ~]$ cd esc17/hands-on/cpp
[studentNM@esc-XY basic]$ g++ -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o algo algo.cpp
[studentNM@esc-XY basic]$ ./algo
[studentNM@esc-XY basic]$ ./algo

Then extend the program in order to:

  • sum all the elements of the vector
  • multiply all the elements of the vector
  • sort the vector in ascending and descending order
  • move the even numbers at the beginning
  • move the three central numbers at the beginning
  • find the first element that satisfies a certain predicate
  • erase from the vector the elements that satisfy that predicate

The source code contains some hints about what algorithms can be used to implement the requested functionality. is an excellent source of documentation for the algorithms (and C++ in general).